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Divi Grid Portfolio

Filterable portfolio plugin

Project Portfolio Plugin

Load your Divi projects fromthe visual builder

New feature: Project gallery

Now you can open the project in a Light Box.

Choosing between showing only images or images plus text. Let’s take a look!


Text and images slider

(click on any project to see)

Add images and text to each project. Show the content on a Light tbox 


Images slider

(click on any project to see)

You can add many images to each project. These images will be loaded on a Light Box. 

5 different layouts

GRID 2-1

This example shows the title and the excerpt of the project when the mouse does hover. You can customize the background overlay and the color of the text.

GRID Square

This example shows the title always and  the icon when mouse hover. The filters are hidden.

GRID 1-4

The example shows the content align on the vertical center


Example with pagination and custom color for filters with pagination

GRID 4-4

This example shows only the title on bottom position and it uses the grid with landscape thumbnails