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from 158$

Divi Instagram Footers


4.60 out of 5

986 total sales

153 sales + 833 sales in Elegant Themes

Up to 14 designs for the footers of your web. Add your Instagram account to your web in an easy way. Your web will be updated and the images you publish will be neatly shown on your social area on the footer of your web. This is a simple way of displaying your work, keeping your web updated and generating a trustworthy look.


What does it include?

¿Qué incluye?

14 different designs with which you will exhibit your Instagram footer. Each of the 14 designs has a black and white version.


Exclusivo en nuestra web

  • 15 días de prueba
  • Soporte para siempre
  • Actualizaciones para siempre

Exclusive in our website

  • 15 money back guarantee
  • Lifetime support
  • Lifetime updates

Accede a más de 29 plugins, plantillas y layouts

Access more than 29 plugins, themes and layouts




We know how important it is to have direct help. We are just an email away: to answer your questions and guide you with the installation and use of our products


Buy without fear any of plugins or templates. You will have 15 days to request a return if they do not meet your needs. Just by writing to us at, without giving any explanations.

If you have any problems importing and using our templates, we will help you install them.

Sabemos lo importante que es contar con ayuda directa. Nos tienes a un correo de distancia: para resolver tus dudas y guiarte con la instalación y uso de nuestros productos


Compra sin miedo cualquiera de plugins o plantillas. Tienes 15 días para solicitar la devolución de tu dinero si no se ajustan a tus necesidades. Podrás escribirnos a

Si tienes cualquier problema para importar y utilizar nuestras plantillas te ayudaremos a instalarlas.


¿Necesito Divi para utilizar esta plantilla?
Sí, como con cualquier tema hijo de Divi necesitarás tener instalado el tema padre Divi. Si áun no tienes esta licencia puedes comprarla en este enlace.
¿Que se incluye con esta plantilla?

Tu compra incluye un ZIP con los archivos originales del tema que podrás instalar en tu WordPress, soporte prioritario por correo electrónico (Tiempo máximo de respuesta 24 horas laborales) y acceso de por vida a las nuevas actualizaciones y mejoras.

¿Desde dónde descargo mi plantilla?

Una vez que hayas comprado este producto desde la página de tu cuenta tendrás acceso al ZIP con los archivos originales. Además cada vez que haya una nueva versión podrás descargarla desde tu cuenta.

¿Qué diferencia hay entre las dos licencias?

Todos las plantillas y plugins tienen dos licencias. La licencia “Web infinitas” permite instalaciones en diferentes sitios web mientras que la otra sólo permite una instalación en una web.

¿Cómo instalar o utilizar esta plantilla?

Encontrarás una página de documentación donde te explicamos como utilizar esta plantilla o plugin. Debes subirla a tu web y muy importante añadir tu número de licencia que recibirás por correo y mail. Además si tienes cualquier problema o duda podrás escribirnos a Encantados te ayudaremos.

¿Puedo probar esta plantilla?

Puedes comprarla, tienes 15 días para solicitar un reembolso de tu compra. Sin justificaciones ni explicaciones te devolveremos tu dinero.

Do I need Divi to use this template?

Yes, as with any Divi child theme you will need to have the Divi parent theme installed. If you don’t have this license yet, you can buy it at this link.

What is included with this template?

Your purchase includes a ZIP with the original theme files that you can install on your WordPress, priority email support (Maximum response time 24 business hours) and lifetime access to new updates and improvements.

Where do I download my template from?

Once you have purchased this product from your account page you will have access to the ZIP with the original files. Additionally, every time there is a new version you can download it from your account.

What is the difference between the two licenses?

All templates and plugins have two licenses. The “Infinite Web” license allows installations on different websites while the other only allows one installation on one website.

How to install or use this template?

You will find a documentation page where we explain how to use this template or plugin. You must upload it to your website and, very importantly, add your license number that you will receive by email. Also, if you have any problem or question, you can write to us at We will be happy to help you.

Can I try this template?

You can buy it, you have 15 days to request a refund of your purchase. Without justifications or explanations we will refund your money.

¿Necesito Divi para utilizar esta plugin?

Si, como con cualquier plugin de Divi necesitarás tener instalado el tema padre Divi. Si áun no tienes esta licencia puedes comprarla en este enlace.

¿Que se incluye con este plugin?

Tu compra incluye un ZIP con los archivos originales del tema que podrás instalar en tu WordPress, soporte prioritario por correo electrónico (Tiempo máximo de respuesta 24 horas) y acceso de por vida a las nuevas actualizaciones y mejoras.

¿Desde dónde descargo mi plugin?

Una vez que hayas comprado este producto desde la página de tu cuenta tendrás acceso al ZIP con los archivos originales. Además cada vez que haya una nueva versión podrás descargarla desde tu cuenta.

¿Qué diferencia hay entre las dos licencias?

Todos las plantillas y plugins tienen dos licencias. La licencia “Web infinitas” permite instalaciones en diferentes sitios web mientras que la otra sólo permite una instalación en una web.

¿Cómo instalar o utilizar esta plugin?

Encontrarás una página de documentación donde te explicamos como utilizar esta plantilla o plugin. Debes subirla a tu web y muy importante añadir tu número de licencia que recibirás por correo y mail. Además si tienes cualquier problema o duda podrás escribirnos a Encantados te ayudaremos.

¿Puedo probar esta plantilla?

Puedes comprarla, tienes 15 días para solicitar un reembolso de tu compra. Sin justificaciones ni explicaciones te devolveremos tu dinero.

Do I need Divi to use this plugin?

Yes, as with any Divi plugin you will need to have the parent Divi theme installed. If you don’t have this license yet, you can buy it at this link

What is included with this plugin?

Your purchase includes a ZIP with the original theme files that you can install on your WordPress, priority email support (Maximum response time 24 hours) and lifetime access to new updates and improvements.

Where do I download my plugin from?

Once you have purchased this product from your account page you will have access to the ZIP with the original files. Additionally, every time there is a new version you can download it from your account.

What is the difference between the two licenses?

All templates and plugins have two licenses. The “Infinite Web” license allows installations on different websites while the other only allows one installation on one website.

How to install or use this plugin?

You will find a documentation page where we explain how to use this template or plugin. You must upload it to your website and, very importantly, add your license number that you will receive by email. Also, if you have any problem or question, you can write to us at We will be happy to help you.

Can I try this template?

You can buy it, you have 15 days to request a refund of your purchase. Without justifications or explanations we will refund your money.

¿Necesito Divi para utilizar este layout?

Si, tener Divi es completamente imprescindible para poder importar este layout. Desde este enlace puedes comprar una licencia.

¿Qué se incluye con este layout?

Tu compra incluye un ZIP con los archivos json que podrás importar en tu WordPress, soporte prioritario por correo electrónico (Tiempo máximo de respuesta 24 horas) y acceso de por vida a las nuevas versiones de este layout.

¿Desde dónde descargo mi layout?

Una vez que hayas comprado este producto desde la página de tu cuenta tendrás acceso al ZIP con los archivos originales. Además cada vez que haya una nueva versión podrás descargarla desde tu cuenta.

¿Existe devolución de dinero en los layouts?

A diferencia de nuestros temas y plugins no se puede devolver el importe de los layouts ya que éstos no tienen licencia y no podemos controlar su uso.

¿Cómo instalar y utilizar este layout?

Encontrarás una página de documentación donde te explicamos como utilizar los layouts. Ten en cuenta que las layouts se importan directamente a la página que quieres utilizar no desde plugin ni desde temas.

Do I need Divi to use this layout?

Yes, having Divi is completely essential to be able to import this layout. From this link you can buy a license.

What is included with this layout?

Your purchase includes a ZIP with the json files that you can import into your WordPress, priority email support (Maximum response time 24 hours) and lifetime access to new versions of this layout.

Where do I download my layout from?

Once you have purchased this product from your account page you will have access to the ZIP with the original files. Additionally, every time there is a new version you can download it from your account.

Is there money back in the layouts?

Unlike our themes and plugins, the amount for layouts cannot be refunded since they do not have a license and we cannot control their use.

How to install or use this layout?

You will find a documentation page where we explain how to use the layouts. Keep in mind that the layouts are imported directly to the page you want to use, not from the plugin or from themes.



Divi Instagram Footers

What content does the Divi Instagram Footers have?

Our Instagram footer package for Divi has 14 different designs with minimalist and elegant looks, ideal for a great variety of websites. By using this Instagram content you will generate an optimal page perfect to show what your brand is all about.

Which are the Instagram Divi Footer characteristics?

We are pretty sure that finding a design that totally adapts to your business needs and that helps you catch the eye of the clients is no easy task.

Characteristics of our product Divi Instagram Footers:

  • Unlimited licence, you can reuse previous designs in each new design creating infinite unique combinations.
  • BYN version: each one of the designs that is included in our package comes in black and white version, allowing a perfect unification of your last Instagram publications.
  • Totally customizable: You will have the opportunity of easily changing the colours and the typography of your web thanks to the native Divi controllers.
  • Compatible with different types of smart devices. This package has been fully developed in order to be suitable for both phones and tablets.

How do I install the Divi Instagram Footers?

The installation of the Instagram footer is quite easy, you just need to follow the steps for a neat download and setting up.

1.Plugin installation

Firstly we need to install and enable the “Social Photo Feed” plugin. You can find the complement in the downloaded .zip or in the WordPress file

2. Link your Instagram account

In order to be able to use the images and the content of your Instagram account, you will have to link it to your website once the plugin is correctly downloaded and installed.

You will need the user and the password.

3. Set up

You need to set the complement up.

4. Import the CSS styles

You will find the “footers.css” inside the downloaded zip in our Instagram Divi Footers package. Open it by using any text editor and paste its content in the additional Divi/ Theme Customizer/CSS.

Note that if you have already added CSS content, you should not delete or overwrite it, just add it below but keeping in mind not to erase the new content.

5. Choose the footer that you like

Here you just need to import your favourite footer by using the theme generator. Remember that you can visualize all the available designs of our product at: Also it is important to keep in mind that you won’t be able to go over the new design unless you refresh the visual generator page.

6. Keep the links updated

As you have chosen the footers that you liked and that adapted to your brand needs, you will need to update the links.

7. Change the template or the design.

To be able to change the design you just need to follow the steps mentioned in the prior section.

As you can see, the characteristics of the Divi Instagram Footers make this layout the best option to create a linked web to your Instagram account that will help boost your business and get to a greater audience.


Destaca Imagen, a leading provider of web design solutions, offers a diverse range of Divi themes and plugins designed to elevate website functionality and aesthetics. With an emphasis on user experience and customization, their collection of Divi themes caters to various industries and design preferences, empowering website owners to create stunning and responsive websites effortlessly. Additionally, Destaca Imagen’s selection of Divi plugins enhances website functionality, providing features such as advanced contact forms, interactive sliders, and robust security measures. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced web developer, Destaca Imagen’s Divi themes and plugins provide the tools and support needed to build professional-grade websites that captivate and engage audiences.



5 reviews for Divi Instagram Footers

  1. Evelin

    Buon prodotto, all’inizio fai un po’ di fatica a capire come aggiungerlo, se sei alle prime armi con il blog, ma è molto facile. Per chi usa WinRar, dovete solo esportare i file in una cartella e poi il gioco è fatto, seguendo le istruzioni che ti lasciano! Cosi come vedete i layout cosi sono perciò se vi piacciono, fatte un’ ottima scelta.

  2. Tam

    Lovely designs, but I guess I missed the part that said I would need to install a separate plugin to make use of these footers.

    • Destaca Imagen

      Hi Tam,
      Thanks for your feedback, we really appreciate you love our designs. We are sorry if requiring a third-party plugin has caused you any problems, we hope you didn’t get any trouble installing and setting it up with our guide. If you have any doubts about it you can open a support ticket or write us an email to and we will gladly help you. We will also add a better explanation about this in the product description to avoid future confusions.

  3. Eric

    It works perfect ! No loss of performance. Great

    • Destaca Imagen

      Thanks Eric!

  4. Miranda

    A lot of people will expect a simple plugin, however to install and make good on your website will require a few steps. Even if you are not techy, just follow the instructions carefully. It is not difficult, will just require 5-10 minutes of your time to set up. For $9 it’s worth every penny and it is very easy to customize to match your website branding. I am really pleased that I bought this as it has saved me a good couple of hours trying to create something myself.

    • Destaca Imagen

      Thanks Miranda for your words! We hope you can use these layouts in many projects 🙂

  5. Tim

    Perfect. Exactly what I wanted. Ignore the poor reviews or support issues. If you like what it looks like, and don’t want to spend a bunch of time creating it yourself (I’m lazy at times) then you can’t beat this for the price. What you see in complaints. Some people complain that this requires a plugin. I’m not sure why that is an issue, it requires some extra functionality. The plugin has a free version and that’s all this requires so nothing else to buy. It’s also a popular plugin that’s constantly updated so it’s not going to become obsolete. Another complaint you’ll see is that the plugin has been updated and it’s now broken. That’s not entirely accurate. Yes the plugin has been updated and the settings screens look a little different, but with a little common sense and intuition you’ll find those settings in under 30 seconds. This is very easy and intuitive to use. Lastly, the support is fast and friendly. I didn’t actually need support, but before I made the purchase I had seen all these complaints so I reached out and asked, “is this still working.” I got a fast and friendly response and the guarantee that if I got stuck I’d get fast and friendly help. It’s a great look an if you like it, just buy it!

    • Destaca Imagen

      Hi Tim you are very nice and right. We have worked in 14 design, css style and the integration with the plugin “Social Photo Feed”. There are many hours of work and we appreciate your review

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