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from 158$

Startup Divi Child Theme

120 total sales

61 sales + 59 sales in Elegant Themes

StartUp Divi Child Theme is a theme created to those who want to bring to life a technological startup.

Divi StartUp Theme is a child theme for StartUps that counts on every tool needed to create a website or a landing page focused on the technological businesses, marketing agencies, software developers, app promotions, etc.

What does it include?

¿Qué incluye?

  • 4 different home pages
  • 8 additional pages
  • 4 different blog styles
  • 3 head designs
  • 4 customizable footers
  • Plugin for adaptable galleries (Masonry plugin included 45€)
  • Project template.

From $64.80

More info

Exclusivo en nuestra web

  • 15 días de prueba
  • Soporte para siempre
  • Actualizaciones para siempre

Exclusive in our website

  • 15 money back guarantee
  • Lifetime support
  • Lifetime updates

Accede a más de 29 plugins, plantillas y layouts

Access more than 29 plugins, themes and layouts




We know how important it is to have direct help. We are just an email away: to answer your questions and guide you with the installation and use of our products


Buy without fear any of plugins or templates. You will have 15 days to request a return if they do not meet your needs. Just by writing to us at, without giving any explanations.

If you have any problems importing and using our templates, we will help you install them.

Sabemos lo importante que es contar con ayuda directa. Nos tienes a un correo de distancia: para resolver tus dudas y guiarte con la instalación y uso de nuestros productos


Compra sin miedo cualquiera de plugins o plantillas. Tienes 15 días para solicitar la devolución de tu dinero si no se ajustan a tus necesidades. Podrás escribirnos a

Si tienes cualquier problema para importar y utilizar nuestras plantillas te ayudaremos a instalarlas.


¿Necesito Divi para utilizar esta plantilla?
Sí, como con cualquier tema hijo de Divi necesitarás tener instalado el tema padre Divi. Si áun no tienes esta licencia puedes comprarla en este enlace.
¿Que se incluye con esta plantilla?

Tu compra incluye un ZIP con los archivos originales del tema que podrás instalar en tu WordPress, soporte prioritario por correo electrónico (Tiempo máximo de respuesta 24 horas laborales) y acceso de por vida a las nuevas actualizaciones y mejoras.

¿Desde dónde descargo mi plantilla?

Una vez que hayas comprado este producto desde la página de tu cuenta tendrás acceso al ZIP con los archivos originales. Además cada vez que haya una nueva versión podrás descargarla desde tu cuenta.

¿Qué diferencia hay entre las dos licencias?

Todos las plantillas y plugins tienen dos licencias. La licencia “Web infinitas” permite instalaciones en diferentes sitios web mientras que la otra sólo permite una instalación en una web.

¿Cómo instalar o utilizar esta plantilla?

Encontrarás una página de documentación donde te explicamos como utilizar esta plantilla o plugin. Debes subirla a tu web y muy importante añadir tu número de licencia que recibirás por correo y mail. Además si tienes cualquier problema o duda podrás escribirnos a Encantados te ayudaremos.

¿Puedo probar esta plantilla?

Puedes comprarla, tienes 15 días para solicitar un reembolso de tu compra. Sin justificaciones ni explicaciones te devolveremos tu dinero.

Do I need Divi to use this template?

Yes, as with any Divi child theme you will need to have the Divi parent theme installed. If you don’t have this license yet, you can buy it at this link.

What is included with this template?

Your purchase includes a ZIP with the original theme files that you can install on your WordPress, priority email support (Maximum response time 24 business hours) and lifetime access to new updates and improvements.

Where do I download my template from?

Once you have purchased this product from your account page you will have access to the ZIP with the original files. Additionally, every time there is a new version you can download it from your account.

What is the difference between the two licenses?

All templates and plugins have two licenses. The “Infinite Web” license allows installations on different websites while the other only allows one installation on one website.

How to install or use this template?

You will find a documentation page where we explain how to use this template or plugin. You must upload it to your website and, very importantly, add your license number that you will receive by email. Also, if you have any problem or question, you can write to us at We will be happy to help you.

Can I try this template?

You can buy it, you have 15 days to request a refund of your purchase. Without justifications or explanations we will refund your money.

¿Necesito Divi para utilizar esta plugin?

Si, como con cualquier plugin de Divi necesitarás tener instalado el tema padre Divi. Si áun no tienes esta licencia puedes comprarla en este enlace.

¿Que se incluye con este plugin?

Tu compra incluye un ZIP con los archivos originales del tema que podrás instalar en tu WordPress, soporte prioritario por correo electrónico (Tiempo máximo de respuesta 24 horas) y acceso de por vida a las nuevas actualizaciones y mejoras.

¿Desde dónde descargo mi plugin?

Una vez que hayas comprado este producto desde la página de tu cuenta tendrás acceso al ZIP con los archivos originales. Además cada vez que haya una nueva versión podrás descargarla desde tu cuenta.

¿Qué diferencia hay entre las dos licencias?

Todos las plantillas y plugins tienen dos licencias. La licencia “Web infinitas” permite instalaciones en diferentes sitios web mientras que la otra sólo permite una instalación en una web.

¿Cómo instalar o utilizar esta plugin?

Encontrarás una página de documentación donde te explicamos como utilizar esta plantilla o plugin. Debes subirla a tu web y muy importante añadir tu número de licencia que recibirás por correo y mail. Además si tienes cualquier problema o duda podrás escribirnos a Encantados te ayudaremos.

¿Puedo probar esta plantilla?

Puedes comprarla, tienes 15 días para solicitar un reembolso de tu compra. Sin justificaciones ni explicaciones te devolveremos tu dinero.

Do I need Divi to use this plugin?

Yes, as with any Divi plugin you will need to have the parent Divi theme installed. If you don’t have this license yet, you can buy it at this link

What is included with this plugin?

Your purchase includes a ZIP with the original theme files that you can install on your WordPress, priority email support (Maximum response time 24 hours) and lifetime access to new updates and improvements.

Where do I download my plugin from?

Once you have purchased this product from your account page you will have access to the ZIP with the original files. Additionally, every time there is a new version you can download it from your account.

What is the difference between the two licenses?

All templates and plugins have two licenses. The “Infinite Web” license allows installations on different websites while the other only allows one installation on one website.

How to install or use this plugin?

You will find a documentation page where we explain how to use this template or plugin. You must upload it to your website and, very importantly, add your license number that you will receive by email. Also, if you have any problem or question, you can write to us at We will be happy to help you.

Can I try this template?

You can buy it, you have 15 days to request a refund of your purchase. Without justifications or explanations we will refund your money.

¿Necesito Divi para utilizar este layout?

Si, tener Divi es completamente imprescindible para poder importar este layout. Desde este enlace puedes comprar una licencia.

¿Qué se incluye con este layout?

Tu compra incluye un ZIP con los archivos json que podrás importar en tu WordPress, soporte prioritario por correo electrónico (Tiempo máximo de respuesta 24 horas) y acceso de por vida a las nuevas versiones de este layout.

¿Desde dónde descargo mi layout?

Una vez que hayas comprado este producto desde la página de tu cuenta tendrás acceso al ZIP con los archivos originales. Además cada vez que haya una nueva versión podrás descargarla desde tu cuenta.

¿Existe devolución de dinero en los layouts?

A diferencia de nuestros temas y plugins no se puede devolver el importe de los layouts ya que éstos no tienen licencia y no podemos controlar su uso.

¿Cómo instalar y utilizar este layout?

Encontrarás una página de documentación donde te explicamos como utilizar los layouts. Ten en cuenta que las layouts se importan directamente a la página que quieres utilizar no desde plugin ni desde temas.

Do I need Divi to use this layout?

Yes, having Divi is completely essential to be able to import this layout. From this link you can buy a license.

What is included with this layout?

Your purchase includes a ZIP with the json files that you can import into your WordPress, priority email support (Maximum response time 24 hours) and lifetime access to new versions of this layout.

Where do I download my layout from?

Once you have purchased this product from your account page you will have access to the ZIP with the original files. Additionally, every time there is a new version you can download it from your account.

Is there money back in the layouts?

Unlike our themes and plugins, the amount for layouts cannot be refunded since they do not have a license and we cannot control their use.

How to install or use this layout?

You will find a documentation page where we explain how to use the layouts. Keep in mind that the layouts are imported directly to the page you want to use, not from the plugin or from themes.



Introducing the StartUp Divi Child Theme

A specialized Divi theme meticulously crafted for ambitious Technological StartUps. Embarking on the journey of launching a StartUp demands unwavering dedication and often reaches stress-inducing levels, given the immense effort and strategic thinking required to establish and sustain a thriving business.

Amidst the myriad challenges faced by entrepreneurs, one of the pivotal tasks demanding substantial time and attention is the development of a website that not only reflects our vision but also aligns seamlessly with the expectations of our clients. Recognizing this significant need, we proudly present the StartUp Divi Child Theme, strategically designed for those poised to embark on the creation of a cutting-edge Technological StartUp website.

Distinguished by a modern and simplistic design, the StartUp Divi Child Theme stands out as the perfect choice to showcase a forward-thinking and approachable digital presence, tailor-made for a digital services agency. Its responsiveness and adaptability across all mobile devices ensure an optimal user experience, further solidifying its standing as an indispensable tool for tech entrepreneurs.

The StartUp Divi Child Theme boasts a clean and versatile presentation that is fully customizable, offering a tailored solution for every tech business’s aspirations. With the Divi Builder and the StartUp Divi Child Theme in your arsenal, you gain access to a plethora of editing tools that simplify the process of creating a visually striking and trend-setting website. The result is a platform with a modern and intuitive presentation, setting your StartUp apart in the digital landscape.

Now is the time to take charge and set your web presence in motion with StartUp Divi Child Theme. Streamline your website creation process, showcase your innovation, and captivate your audience with a digital home that not only meets but exceeds the standards of both you and your clients. Elevate your StartUp’s online identity – start now and chart the course for success!

Characteristics of the StartUp Divi Child Theme:

  • 4 different home pages
  • 8 additional pages
  • 4 different blog styles
  • 3 head designs
  • 4 customizable footers
  • Plugin for adaptable galleries (Masonry plugin included)
  • Project template.

Opting for the StartUp Divi Theme unlocks a host of advantages, recognizing the paramount importance of publicity in the trajectory of a StartUp and its various projects, services, and updates. We understand that effective communication is key, and to facilitate this, our theme incorporates a dynamic template that effortlessly showcases your latest updates in an attractive and professional manner. This feature serves as a powerful tool to captivate your audience and generate the buzz that every burgeoning project deserves.

In addition to its update-centric template, the StartUp Divi Theme goes above and beyond by offering four distinct presentation styles for your blog. This versatility ensures that your content is not only engaging but also aligns seamlessly with your brand identity, allowing you to curate a digital space that is as diverse and unique as your StartUp itself.

As a testament to our commitment to providing exceptional value, the StartUp Divi Child Theme generously includes our proprietary creation—the Masonry Gallery plugin. This plugin, boasting an impressive track record with over 2250 sales on Elegant Themes, further enhances your website’s visual appeal by offering a sleek and customizable gallery experience. This exclusive inclusion adds an extra layer of sophistication to your StartUp’s online presence, making it stand out amidst the digital clutter.

In essence, the StartUp Divi Child Theme is more than just a template; it’s a comprehensive and adaptable solution tailored for the technological landscape. Designed for ease of use, it empowers you to hit the ground running, ensuring that your StartUp gains momentum swiftly. Its versatility, comfort, and technological focus make it the ideal choice for entrepreneurs eager to make a lasting impression. Experience the seamless integration of form and function as you propel your StartUp forward with the StartUp Divi Child Theme.




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