First of all, we would like to thank you for your purchase.
We hope you like this theme and it helps you achieve your goals. If you have any suggestions or improvements you can contact us on
1. Download the theme.
Simply download the theme from the platform Elegant Themes or if you have purchased it on our platform you can download it from “my account”.
2. Upload the theme to your page.
On WordPress
- Apearance > Theme
- Click on “Add new” and then on the upper part click on “Upload theme”.
- Click on “choose file” and select the zip file.
- Click on install now.
- Once it is uploaded click on “Activate”
Any problems?
If when you are uploading your theme you have any problems or you have seen any messages related to the limit of the memory of the PHP in your server, we advise you to install the theme from a FTP or to contact your hosting provider so it can enlarge the memory and eventually be able to upload your file.
Also, you must to ckeck the Divi compatibility in Divi / Support Center. If you find some value in red as in this image, please contact with you hosting provider.
3. Import the demo
You only have to upload the child theme through a FTP or from the section upload theme. Once you have activated it you will find a new option in your menu called “Import demo data > Easy Demo Import”. Through this new section you can import every necessary file for the theme to be shown correctly.
Select every option (by default they are all selected) and click “Import demo content” at the bottom of the page.
Stuck importing theme?
Most of the times, the demo content is imported correctly in fresh wordpress installations but some user reported that the importer gets stuck during the process.
If this is your case, try to increase the value of the php parameters memory_limit (256 mb for example), max_execution_time (60 for example) and max_upload (32mb for example). You usually find them in your hosting server configuration panel. Once the import is done you can restore de default values again.
If you still have problems with the importation, please send an email to and we will do our best to help you install this theme.
Logo, Menu and Header
Select the logo for your web from the Divi theme options. This will also change the logo of the preloader.
By default, no header is configured in the Theme Builder. This makes that the default theme header is used.
Remember that you can choose between this and two more headers (take a look at our demo page to see how they look like). If you want to use Header 2 or Header 3 style in your site, you have to configure it in the Divi Theme Builder. You can see how to do it in the next video.
Update the menu
For updating both the desktop and phone menu you need to go to Appereance/ Menu/ Main and use the default Wordpres menu editor. In both devices it will be used the same menu.
Edit the menu as you do in any WordPress Theme. You can see how to do it in this video.
Mobile/Hamburguer menu breakpoint
In our demo, we have many items in the menu, so we have customized the breakpoint of the hamburguer menu. Maybe in your case, this size is not appropriate for you and you need to make it higher or lower. In this video we show you how to customize this value.
You have 4 available Home designs. Check out our demo page to see how they look like.
For selecting the design of your choice , you just simply need to go to Settings / Reading and select the page you would like to use as your main page.
In addition if you want to use our blog template, you should leave the post page option in blank.
You can see how to do it in this video.
Extras for Home 3 – Logo Carrusel
Our design for the Home uses a carrusel for the clients section. Doing the import does not keep the demo style of it and you need to do some extra step to achieve it. You can see what you have to do in this video.
The plugin we use for this carrusel is called ‘Logo Carousel’ and you can check its WordPress plugin page here to see how to use it.
Projects Portfolio
To build the Projects porfolio of the site we use our plugin Masonry Gallery (it is included in the theme) . If you wan to see how to use it, watch the next video.
You can also check its documentation page here.
To use the blog page you must leave the post pages option in blank in Settings/ Reading. To edit the blog page you can do it from pages/blog.
You can choose between 4 different styles for your blog. We recommend you to delete the blog templates you won’t use and keep the one you like. Also edit the choosen one to leave it with the slug and the title you want to use. You will have to do this in the page section of your admin panel.
You can follow the steps of the next video.
To edit the template of the articles or posts you must do it from Divi / Theme Builder / Blog Post.
The footer in this website has been created with the theme builder. To edit any information you must go to Divi / Theme Builder and make the changes needed.
As you made for the header, you can choose between 4 different designs for your footer. All this layouts are stored in the Divi library and you can choose which one you want in the Divi Theme Builder.
You can see how to do it in the next video.
Images & resources
As you can see in our demo page, we use many images with custom shapes, ilustrations and decorative elements. We bring you the possibility to customize every element and to do that you can use our design resource files for Photoshop and Ilustrator.
With them you will be able to customize our theme with you own images.
You can download the design resources here.