First of all, we would like to thank you for your purchase.
We hope you like this theme and it helps you achieve your goals. If you have any suggestions or improvements you can contact us on
1. Download the theme.
Simply download the theme from the platform Elegant Themes or if you have purchased it on our platform you can download it from “my account”.
Please note that the dark version of the theme is a different .zip than the light version. There is no option to change from light version to dark version. Choose the version you want and start the installation process with that version.
Note: If you purchased the theme through the Elegant Themes marketplace you will find the dark version in the supplementary files.
2. Upload the theme to your page.
On WordPress
- Apearance > Theme
- Click on “Add new” and then on the upper part click on “Upload theme”.
- Click on “choose file” and select the zip file.
- Click on install now.
- Once it is uploaded click on “Activate”
Any problems?
This theme size is XMB
If when you are uploading your theme you have any problems or you have seen any messages related to the limit of the memory of the PHP in your server, we advise you to install the theme from a FTP or to contact your hosting provider so it can enlarge the memory and eventually be able to upload your file.
3. Import the demo
You only have to upload the child theme through a FTP or from the section upload theme. Once you have activated it you will find a new option in your menu called “Import demo data > Easy Demo Import”. Through this new section you can import every necessary file for the theme to be shown correctly.
Select every option (by default they are all selected) and click “Import demo content” at the bottom of the page.
Stuck at the “Media Files to Import” step?
In some hostings the import process get stuck at the step “Media Files to Import”. If that is your case, don’t worry. Just refresh the page and click again the button “Import demo content”. The process will start again from that point will end correctly.
Page loader
The page loader uses the configured logo in Divi’s options. By default, the import demo content uses an image with the text’ John Doe’. To change this go to Admin Panel > Divi > Theme Options > General > Logo and upload the image you want to display while the page is loading.
On Photo Portfolio you will have 3 different home styles. To select the style you are interested in you only have to select the one you like as a homepage on WordPress.
Specifications of every homepage.
Home 1 / Home 3
For these two Homes you will have to update every slide manually and select the images you like.
Keep in mind you have to change the portfolio link of the page you have decided to use to show your work. You have three pages or templates for your portfolio, that you can see in the portfolio section.
For home 3 you will have to change the link in every slide that includes the unit. Moreover you can set it up so each slide takes you to a different work. Your call!
Home 2
The content shown in this page is directly uploaded from the published projects. You can change the order of your projects from the back office.
Home 4
Home 4 uses our Divi Masonry Plugin. You can find the documentation and how to use it in this page. You can see how to configure your links en the Example 5.
Simple Photo has three pages ready to show your work as a portfolio, two of these templates work with the filtrable portfolio unit from Divi.
You can select the categories that you are interested in in the unit options.
Update the “back to portfolio” link.
Once you have decided which template or page you are going to use for your portfolio, remember to update the “back to portfolio” link. This link is shown underneath each project.
Projects Layouts
Simple Photo incorporates four templates with two different head styles for your projects.
- Masonry Gallery
- Gallery Two Column
- Full Mansonry Gallery
- Gallery Grid
In addition, this theme adds two head designs for your projects that automatically will show the project image and an extract of it.
Here you have a video so you can see how to create a new project based on one of our templates.
Create a project:
You have two designs for the blog page. You have one design for the post page. By default the content of the posts is shown without a sidebar. If you would like it to be shown with a sidebar you will have to carry out a few changes in the Divi theme generator.
Enable the sidebar on the posts.
Edit the sidebar content
To do it just simply go to Widget appearance and add or remove the desired content.
Instagram Footer
To show the images of your Instagram account you will have to connect your account in the menu ‘Instagram Feed’.
You can access every element created for this template from the Divi library and reuse them in every new design.