First of all, we would like to thank you for your purchase.
We hope you like this theme and it helps you achieve your goals. If you have any suggestions or improvements you can contact us on
1. Download the theme.
Simply download the theme from the platform Elegant Themes or if you have purchased it on our platform you can download it from “my account”.
2. Upload the theme to your page.
On WordPress
- Apearance > Theme
- Click on “Add new” and then on the upper part click on “Upload theme”.
- Click on “choose file” and select the zip file.
- Click on install now.
- Once it is uploaded click on “Activate”
Any problems?
If when you are uploading your theme and you have any problems or you have seen any messages related to the limit of the memory of the PHP in your server, we advise you to install the theme from a FTP or to contact your hosting provider so it can enlarge the memory and eventually be able to upload your file.
Also, you must to ckeck the Divi compatibility in Divi / Support Center. If you find any value in red as in this image, please contact with you hosting provider and match the minimum values.
3. Import the demo
You only have to upload the child theme through a FTP or from the section upload theme. Once you have activated it you will find a new option in your menu called “Import demo data > Easy Demo Import”. Through this new section you can import every necessary file for the theme to be shown correctly.
Select every option (by default they are all selected) and click “Import demo content” at the bottom of the page.
Stuck importing theme?
Most of the times, the demo content is imported correctly in fresh wordpress installations but some user reported that the importer gets stuck during the process.
If this is your case, try to increase the value of the php parameters memory_limit (256 mb for example), max_execution_time (60 for example) and max_upload (32mb for example). You usually find them in your hosting server configuration panel. Once the import is done you can restore de default values again.
If you still have problems with the importation, please send an email to and we will do our best to help you install this theme.
Shop Pages
With this theme, you have two options for your online shop. You can work with Woocommerce default page or a quick order page:
This page is created with our plugin: WC Single Page Catalogue
This plugin shows all your products like a list with a product title, price and description. Also It shows a resume of the order. Is very useful in mobile devices too.
You can change the order of the categories of the products from Woocommerce / Products / Categories:
If you prefer to work with a default shop and product page you can edit the product page and categories in Divi Theme Builder:

Instagram Footer:
This theme uses the free version of Smash Ballon plugin to show your Instagram feed. It is easy to activate it. Play this video: